Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Since October 2001, J. Gustedt is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (DMTCS ). He is member of the recruiting committee for PhDs and postdocs of that center and has been member in three recruitment committees for university positions in 2012.

In 2011 and 2012, J. Gustedt also served as head of the Networks, Systems and Services department of the LORIA computer science lab and through that as a member of the directory of LORIA and of several recruiting commissions of Université de Lorraine.

Since 2005, S. Vialle is head of the RGE action ("Réseau Grand Est") of the GDR ASR of CNRS. For SUPÉLEC, S. Vialle served as head of the IMS research team (2010–2012), and is now leader of the IDMaD research group (focussed on distributed computing and big data) inside the IMS team.

Since 2010, J. Gossa serves as expert for the French ministry of science and education and is in charge of reviewing industrial R&D expenses and Credit Impôt Recherche reports.

Since 2011, S. Contassot-Vivier serves as an expert for the French ministry of education and research in the DGRI/MEI mission and is in charge of reviewing academic projects between french and foreign teams.

L. Nussbaum was member of the organization and program committee for the Grid'5000 Winter School 2012 .

M. Quinson has served as program committee member of the 27th ACM/IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'13).

We organized the first Realis event this year. Associated to the Compas'13 conference, this workshop aims at providing a place to discuss the reproducibility of the experiments basing the publications submitted to the main conference. L. Nussbaum was PC chair (with O. Richard) while M. Quinson was PC member.

L. Nussbaum is appointed as an expert on research grids by the direction of the Inria Nancy–Grand Est center.